Joust Hostings

Anglesey August 04
on 16/08/2004

(Click on thumbs for larger image)

OK the story goes that we were heading into deepest darkest Wales for five days, we rang up a local skipper (Scott Waterman 01248-716923, Quest Diving Charters) and jumped on board for a few days of interesting diving. The first day Scott was taking out a bunch of Manchester lads for a couple of dives.

First off was a 35m wreck out the west of the Menai Straits, and although I took my camera, I only took one picture, which is of some Squid eggs, although we did find a dog fish and a lobster and the wreck was covered in life and there were loads of fish. So why no photo's, well the viz was fairly bad and there was no natural light down there, reminded me of diving in the Clyde.

Second dive was a fairly fast drift dive, and I decided not to take my camera, we ran out of fingers to count the number of dogfish we 'flew' over and even spotted a thornback ray. We did manage to pick up some scallops which made an excellent starter at dinner that night, however the reactions had top be quick if you were to pick them up. New sport : Extreme Scallop Diving, especially being pulled along by the DSMB your holding onto.

The second day we went out we headed to the East end of the Straights, however after traveling out to a couple of the wrecks we decided it was too rough, although the group from Brussels seemed happy enough. We turned around and headed for shelter where there was a wreck of a barge that was in about 30m. After the previous experience in these waters I decided not to take the camera (good decision).

Our final dive was in a bay just off Puffin Island which was full of seals, I just had to take my camera, the viz was dreadful but a few of the shots came out.

The Seals like to try to bite your finns
when you aren't looking ;-)

On of the divers from Brussels
Also on the dive :
A couple of Nudibrachs
Quite a few shrimps


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Updated 23 January 2025, 15:20:9