Joust Hostings

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Sharon Rose

After a long wait in Scrabster as the ferry was late by a couple of hours we managed to get a couple of dives, one on the Dresden and on on the Carlsruhe.


I'm sure necks arn't supposed to do that!


After which we spent a somewhat early night in the Ferry Inn where we had a great meal, before the majority of us retired!

The following day found us on the Brummer and the F2.

Humm' sure there is a caption here somewhere!

Sopt the fish! There is one in there. Honest!

The bleak mid-winter! or the view from the Scapa Flow Visitor Centre


Size Matters!

On Sunday we hit the Coln followed by a 'Bottle' dive.

Nice Nudibranch!

Small Cuttlefish

Sea Mouse

Sea Mouse again.


Some of us did the Tabaca on Monday whilst others did a scenic dive just around from the Tabaca, couldn't go further due to having to catch the ferry!

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Updated 16 August 2019, 12:55:24